The science behind hair transplant has grown leaps and bounds

Hair transplant has now emerged as one of the most deeply researched cosmetic procedures in the world. Due to that, there is a lot of science behind this procedure and men and women who suffer from hair loss are greatly benefiting from this. With the help surgical hair restoration where the hair from the back of the head is surgically removed and placed in the area of hair loss. 

It has now been scientifically established that the hair that grows on our back and sides of our head are suitable and is perfect as donor dominant hair. After the surgery, it will continue to grow throughout the life of most men and that is why donor dominance is the scientific basis for the success of hair transplantation. 

The science behind hair restoration surgery has improved a lot the past decade and the days of the plugs and corn rows are long gone. We now live in the age of follicular unit grafting which is highly advanced and gives far better results. With the help of follicular unit grafting which is divided into two techniques, more than hair loss patients can now have natural hair. 

With the improvement in instrumentation, surgeons are able to accomplish and give patients a natural hair appearance that is appropriate for each individual patient. Also, Follicular Unit grafts have the finest and softest appearance once the new hair grows in three to four months. After that, it can be styled any way you want. 

Hair transplant clinics like Radiance Cosmedic Center are the place to reconstruct new hairline. This requires surgical as well as artistic skill and it is critical to get it right the first time and so requires planning.

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