Discussed! A Few Key Facts on Hair Transplant
Hair transplant is a unique type of surgery that helps translocate hair you already have to pervade an area with thinning hair or a bald patch on your scalp. Reputed hair transplant clinics in the US have been offering this treatment since the 1950s. But in recent times the techniques have become more progressive, simpler, and affordable.
Preparing for a hair transplant
- Your surgeon will pass on specific instructions about what preparations you need to put in order prior to your hair transplant surgery.
- It’s imperative that you abide by these instructions carefully to help secure a surgery that’s uneventful and short of complications.
- The pieces of advice usually put forward by your hair transplant doctor will comprise of information on how to control your smoking and drinking habits, if any, and avoid certain medications and vitamins.
- If you’re a regular smoker it’s of utmost importance to call a halt to smoking for no less than two weeks preceding the surgery and at least a month after.
- This is because smoking offers hindrance to blood flow in your skin and can either mess up the hair transplant outcome or delay the healing process.
- It’s necessary to wash your hair on the morning of your surgery. Stay away from using any styling product.
- Nearly all hair transplant surgeons recommend not getting a haircut done for at least a month before the surgery to make certain good coverage of the donor site.
- Driving home alone once the surgery’s done should be avoided. Arranging for a ride and taking things easy are basic for at least two days post-surgery.
- Although lots of doctors assert that you can resume work in a day or two, practically it’s favorable to take a leave for roughly a week to help stabilize your condition.
Estimated duration of a typical hair transplant surgery
- Depending on the total area that’s to be transplanted, the surgical process may take anywhere between four to eight hours.
- You might be in want of another procedure afterward if you experience continued hair loss even after the first surgery or feel like having thicker hair.
Things to expect just after a hair transplant
- Once the hair transplant surgery is over your scalp may experience extreme tenderness and soreness. For several days you may be required to take pain medications.
- Your scalp will be dressed with bandages all over for no less than a day or two.
- Your hair transplant surgeon may also recommend taking antibiotics or anti-inflammation drugs for many days.
- Almost everyone can expect returning to work after two to five days from the day of operation.
You must note that post two to three weeks from surgery, the transplanted hair follicles will fall off. But there’s no reason to panic. You should notice new hair growth amid a few months.
- Most patients observe nearly 60 percent new hair growth later than six to nine months. This is a clear-cut hair transplant experts result one can look forward to.
- A number of surgeons prescribe using popular drug Minoxidil to boost hair growth subsequent to the surgery. However, it’s debatable how greatly it works.
Risk factors
- Much like any other surgery, hair transplant too has a few risks which may include bleeding and infection.
- Also, there are chances of scarring to happen coupled with unnatural looking patchy hair growth which though can be corrected oftentimes.
- Just about the time when new hair starts to grow, a number of patients encounter inflammation on their scalp or an infection of the follicular grafts, a condition known as folliculitis. With the help of antibiotics and compresses it’s possible to alleviate the problem.
- It’s also likely that all of a sudden you lose some original hair in the area where you’ve got the new strands implanted. This condition is called shock loss. But for the most part it’s a temporary manifestation according to renowned hair transplant experts.
- You may also find answers to queries you may have about potential risk factors or transplant duration when you browse through hair transplant in Delhi reviews.
Pioneering hair transplant technologies
- Ultra-modern techniques like follicular unit transplantation (FUT), follicular unit extraction (FUE), and follicular unit micro grafting (FUMG) have turned hair transplant into a literally imperceptible, feasible option for a vast majority of people suffering from severe conditions of hair loss.
- At large, hair transplant doctors surmise that the procedure is inconceivable from one person to another unless anti-rejection medications are taken permanently.
- However, the risks associated with taking these medications overshadow the benefits accomplished from the transplant.
- So at the present moment, scientists are working on finding an answer to attain inter-person hair transplant that won’t involve the indulgence of anti-rejection drugs.

Are you looking forward to getting rid of permanent hair loss? Radiance Cosmedic Centre is your ultimate port-of-call as far as offering services of best hair transplant in Delhi is concerned. Our state-of-the-art hair transplant surgeries are done by globally renowned and board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Mayank Singh. So what for are you holding your horses? Book your consultation today!