Hair Transplant- Classes, Procedure, Post-treatment, & Complications

Under the Hair transplantation process, the Best Hair specialist of Delhi hauls the hair to a bald area of the head. Typically, the surgeon takes hair from the back or side of the head to place them on the top of the skull. Pattern Baldness happens due to heredity which is the main reason behind hair loss. The aggravating factors may be due to several reasons, which entails:

  • Diet /Nutrition
  • Stress
  • Hormonal imbalance inside the body
  • Certain medications
  • Some cancer and their treatments
  • Some Autoimmune disorders
Classes of Hair Transplant

According to the Best Hair Transplant in Delhi, there were grossly two types of transplantation processes:

  • Slitgrafts: Slit grafts include 4 to 10 hairs per graft.
  • Micro grafts: Micro grafts constitute 1 to 2 hairs per graft, based on the portion of coverage desired.

In today’s date, Only microfollicular grafting is performed by most, giving it a more natural appearance.

Procedure for a hair transplant?

At the outset, the Best Hair specialist of Delhi will fully clean your scalp; and uses a tiny needle to numb the area of your head with limited local anesthesia.

Two techniques are used in the procedure to attain follicles for transplantation: FUT and FUE.

  • Follicular unit transplantation (FUT): The surgeon uses a scalpel to cut out a thin strip of scalp skin from the back of the head. The cut is typically a few inches long and a cm in width. This is then stitched and closed with stitches. The surgeon / surgical team, next segregates the removed part of the scalp into small sections using a magnifying lens and sharp surgical knife. These segments are further dissected into individual follicular units. When implanted, these units will enable the patients to get natural hair growth.
  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE): From the back and side of the scalp, the hair follicles are punched through hundreds to thousands of small punches. The surgeon creates tiny gaps with the help of a blade or needle in the scalp in the recipient area. They softly position hairs in these gaps. During the first treatment trial, a surgeon may transplant hundreds or even thousands of hairs. After that, the fix, gauze, or dressings will wrap up your scalp for a couple of
  • A hair transplant can take up to 6 to 8 hours or extra. The stitches will be discarded within 10 days after the surgery or now are mostly dissolvable. The patient may be called up by the doctor for more than one session to acquire the full head of hair they wish for.
Post Treatment

Itchy scalp and the Doctor may advise taking medication like;

  • Antibiotics;
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Antibacterial ointment for local application

Although many people can go back to the routine work just after a couple of days after surgery. It’s natural for the transplanted hair to fall two to six weeks after the treatment. This propels the door for fresh hair growth. Maximum people will see some new hair growth in 5 to 12 months after the treatment. Doctors suggest minoxidil or the hair growth prescription for finasteride to maintain existing hair and dampen further losses.

Complications allied with a hair transplant?

The adverse impacts of a hair transplant are fairly small and apparent in a few weeks.

The top basic complications are:

  • Scalp swelling
  • Mild Bleeding in some cases
  • Swelling on the forehead and around the eyes
  • Rarely Staining in the region of the eyes.
  • Infection of the hair follicles ( Folliculitis )
  • Numbness of scalp

Shock loss – loss of existing follicles which is usually temporary and recovers mostly with the passage of a few weeks to months


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