Hair transplant in Delhi is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries that involve plenty of attention to several driving factors, extensive years of surgical training and a profound understanding of aesthetics while appropriately redefining the thinning hairline and creating a great dense pattern.
The past few years have seen the mushrooming of a great many numbers of hair transplant clinics in Delhi some of which are unauthorized and don’t have the requisite accreditations. Many unregistered doctors and unqualified professionals perform hair transplants in Delhi. It’s all the about the lure to make money. And so, we find lots of shoddy doctors and technicians who have jumped into this field.
It’s the main responsibility of the patient to check and verify the qualifications and certifications of the surgeons and clinics offering hair transplant in Delhi and make sure that the finest standards of surgical techniques and outcomes are maintained.
More and more hair transplant clinics in Delhi offer cheap procedures performed by hired yet untrained technicians under no supervision of any certified plastic surgeon leading to shocking results and poor success rates. Established hair transplant clinics in Delhi adhere to certain authorized standards and so the cost is higher than the rapidly sprouting ill-equipped and unskilled clinics.
Which hair transplant would be best for you? FUT, FUE or robotic hair transplant techniques? How many grafts and follicles are required? What pattern of density, hairline would suit you? All these are questions which only your carefully chosen cosmetic surgeon for your hair transplant in Delhi can decide and answer. You can pitch in your inputs here and there to bolster your surgeon’s recommendations. Allow your doctor take the final call.